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Peppermint is a lightweight Linux distribution based on Ubuntu that aims to provide a fast and efficient computing experience. It combines the stability and software support of Ubuntu with a minimalistic desktop environment to optimize performance, making it suitable for older hardware or users who prefer a lightweight system.

Key Features:

  • Lightweight desktop environment: Peppermint uses the LXDE desktop environment, known for its low resource usage, making it ideal for systems with limited hardware resources.
  • Cloud-focused integration: Peppermint integrates cloud-based applications and services into the desktop environment, providing seamless access to web applications and online storage.
  • Speed and performance: Peppermint is designed to be fast and responsive, ensuring a smooth and efficient user experience, even on older or less powerful hardware.
  • Peppermint Ice: Peppermint includes its own web application manager called Peppermint Ice, which allows users to create dedicated desktop shortcuts for web apps.
  • Ubuntu compatibility: Peppermint is based on Ubuntu, providing access to the extensive Ubuntu software repositories and benefiting from Ubuntu’s community and support.

Official Website:

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