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Ruby on Rails

Web Application Framework

Ruby on Rails, often referred to as Rails, is an open source web application framework written in the Ruby programming language. It follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern and provides a productive and efficient environment for developing web applications.

Ruby on Rails offers a range of features that make web development efficient and enjoyable:

Convention over Configuration: Rails follows the principle of “Convention over Configuration,” providing sensible defaults and conventions to streamline development. This approach reduces the need for manual configuration and enables developers to focus on writing application logic rather than boilerplate code.

MVC Architecture: Rails enforces the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern, separating the application’s data, presentation, and business logic into distinct components. This promotes code organization, maintainability, and testability, making it easier to collaborate on projects and iterate on features.

Rapid Prototyping: Rails includes powerful scaffolding features that allow developers to quickly generate code for common tasks like creating models, views, and controllers. This speeds up the prototyping phase and enables rapid development iterations.

Active Record ORM: Rails integrates with the Active Record Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) framework, which provides an intuitive and efficient way to interact with databases. It abstracts away much of the low-level SQL code and allows developers to work with database records using Ruby objects and methods.

Rich Ecosystem and Community: Ruby on Rails has a vibrant and supportive community, offering a vast selection of gems (libraries) that extend the framework’s functionality. From authentication and authorization to caching and background processing, there is a gem available for almost any feature you need.


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