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Turtl is a secure and private note-taking application that focuses on data protection and confidentiality. It allows you to store your notes, bookmarks, passwords, and documents in a secure vault and sync them across devices.

Key Features:

  • End-to-End Encryption: Turtl encrypts your data on your device before syncing it to the cloud, ensuring that only you have access to your information. This end-to-end encryption provides strong security and privacy.
  • Note Organization: Turtl allows you to create organized note collections and sub-collections. You can tag your notes, making it easy to categorize and search for specific information.
  • Secure Syncing: Turtl offers secure syncing of your data across multiple devices using its own servers or a self-hosted solution. This ensures that your notes are always up to date and accessible on any device.
  • Markdown Support: Turtl supports Markdown formatting, allowing you to create formatted notes with headings, lists, and other elements. Markdown provides a simple and intuitive way to structure your content.


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